Irish Unity

Stormont Cannot Exist Post Unity

At Saturday’s Civic Nationalist event at the 3Arena, the forces of the southern political elite abruptly showed their hand by giving assurances that Stormont will exist as a political, social & economic entity post partition. The comments came from Fine Gael’s Leo Varadkar and Fianna Fáil’s Jim O’Callaghan. These sorts of aspirations and promises are...

A new Ireland – Is Anything To Be Said for the Republic?

  A new Ireland - Is Anything To Be Said for the Republic? We are hearing a lot of different slogans, words and descriptions around the Irish Unity conversations. A New Ireland, a Shared Ireland, a Compromised Ireland, A shared island. Yet.. One key and important phrase we are not hearing from the “new Ireland society”;...

Irish Unity- There Can Be Winner’s

Irish Unity- There Can Be Winner’s  Civic Nationalism is a concept to make Irish Unity work for everyone, but at what cost, and how will this inclusivity and willingness to cater for everyone affect the post partition socio-economic and political outcome? This weekend, the leaders of civic nationalism; a loose and fragile alliance will descend...

YFU bring the Irish Unity message to the Tyneside Working class

Miner’s strikers support Irish Unity! ‘Yes For Unity’ - The Working Class campaign for an Irish Unity referendum - this weekend re-commenced what had been an ongoing schedule of speaking tours which were unfortunately stalled due to the Covid Pandemic. Links between the Tyneside working class Irish and the struggle for Irish freedom and Socialism are...

A Border Poll is a Compromise

There is a lot of ongoing talk within and around the Irish Unity conversation around the need for compromise when it comes to Irish Unity and a Border Poll, with particular reference to Unionism. These conversations are themselves shrouded in a false claim from certain sections of Nationalism that the Border Poll mechanism enshrined within...

Census Results Will Be Significant

  The upcoming census results are being earmarked to show, for the first time since the creation of the North of Ireland in 1921, that catholics will outnumber protestants. While on paper it is a significant change in the demographics, we should not get over excited as history shows, an increase in the catholic population does...

We owe our young generation change, we owe them a United Ireland

It is becoming evident that the young generation here in the North, the generation who never really experienced conflict are envisioning themselves living in a United Ireland, with the most recent Lucid Talk poll revealing 57% of 18-24 year olds want to see Irish Unification in their lifetime. Some say this generation never experienced conflict,...

March for Unity Derry Postponed

The working group have taken the difficult decision to postpone March for Irish Unity Derry City Saturday 6th November. A unanimous decision was taken to postpone March for Irish Unity due to the COVID-19 winter surge.   The working group has been advised against bringing thousands of people from across Ireland and further afield into Derry...

Brexit or no Brexit – Partion has failed

Brexit or no Brexit; Partion has failed A common false narrative has arisen that the aspiration of a United Ireland is a direct result of Brexit. While we cannot deny that the 2016 Brexit referendum and subsequent political and economic chaos has undoubtedly increased momentum towards Irish Unity, the political aspiration of a United Ireland far...