
Micheál Martin: More Division is not the answer to Division

The recent comments by the new Taoiseach Micheál Martin where he branded the prospect of an Irish Unity referendum as “Divisive” does not come as a shock considering his past statements on the subject. Partition in itself is the biggest form of division in this country. A physical, social, economic and political barrier that cuts...

With or Without a Border Poll, We Want Irish Unity.

During the week, the British Secretary of State, who has overarching control over the Border Poll mechanism as per the Good Friday Agreement shot the idea down by claiming the threshold to trigger the poll has not been met. This comes as no suprise to the Irish Unity community; we wont and dont expect the...

Ireland & EU; Every Avenue must be Explored Post Unity

“Irish Unity will be a monumental constitutional change in Ireland, but we shouldnt just be drawing the line under it.” First of all, I wont use this post to begin the debate nor bore your good selves with opinionated; Ireland-EU facts and figures, as that is a debate for a different day. The general understanding...

Border Poll threshold needs nailed down now.

The recent attempt by an unelected member of the House of Lords to pass through a ‘Referendums Criteria Bill”, that will gerrymander any future referenda must serve as a strong reminder to all that the unstated Border Poll voting threshold for a referendum on Irish Unity needs addressed now. While this bill in its current...

Brexit Agreement Must Contain a Border Poll

With the Brexit deadline looming and both sides still locked in what appears to be an ever strengthening stalemate, what both sides (EU, Irish Government & British Government) have in common is their claims that they represent the best interests of the people of Ireland.  Every recent credible study and poll has indicated that there...