
Stormont Cannot Exist Post Unity

At Saturday’s Civic Nationalist event at the 3Arena, the forces of the southern political elite abruptly showed their hand by giving assurances that Stormont will exist as a political, social & economic entity post partition. The comments came from Fine Gael’s Leo Varadkar and Fianna Fáil’s Jim O’Callaghan. These sorts of aspirations and promises are...

YFU bring the Irish Unity message to the Tyneside Working class

Miner’s strikers support Irish Unity! ‘Yes For Unity’ - The Working Class campaign for an Irish Unity referendum - this weekend re-commenced what had been an ongoing schedule of speaking tours which were unfortunately stalled due to the Covid Pandemic. Links between the Tyneside working class Irish and the struggle for Irish freedom and Socialism are...

A Border Poll is a Compromise

There is a lot of ongoing talk within and around the Irish Unity conversation around the need for compromise when it comes to Irish Unity and a Border Poll, with particular reference to Unionism. These conversations are themselves shrouded in a false claim from certain sections of Nationalism that the Border Poll mechanism enshrined within...

We owe our young generation change, we owe them a United Ireland

It is becoming evident that the young generation here in the North, the generation who never really experienced conflict are envisioning themselves living in a United Ireland, with the most recent Lucid Talk poll revealing 57% of 18-24 year olds want to see Irish Unification in their lifetime. Some say this generation never experienced conflict,...

Brexit or no Brexit – Partion has failed

Brexit or no Brexit; Partion has failed A common false narrative has arisen that the aspiration of a United Ireland is a direct result of Brexit. While we cannot deny that the 2016 Brexit referendum and subsequent political and economic chaos has undoubtedly increased momentum towards Irish Unity, the political aspiration of a United Ireland far...

2021; Be Bold and Ambitious, Lets Call for May 2023 for Irish Unity Referendum

YES for Unity support calls for a 22nd / 23rd May 2023 Irish Unity Referendum. Nothing focuses the mind like a deadline, it adds a sense of urgency, allows us to plan towards a goal and create the methodology for success.The Irish Unity community have been collectively engaged with the referendum debate for some time...

Yes For Unity to Address Future Panelist Imbalance

Following constructive criticism received by our followers, Yes For Unity will attempt to address the imbalance on the panels for our future public talks & debates. Our well received and supported events  play an important role within the Irish Unity campaign, and it is important that the entire Irish Unity community and society in general...

Border Poll threshold needs nailed down now.

The recent attempt by an unelected member of the House of Lords to pass through a ‘Referendums Criteria Bill”, that will gerrymander any future referenda must serve as a strong reminder to all that the unstated Border Poll voting threshold for a referendum on Irish Unity needs addressed now. While this bill in its current...

Addressing Contradictions in the Border Poll Position

Yes For Unity – Addressing contradictions in the Border Poll position The Good Friday Agreement heralded a new era in the same old pattern of the decade’s long denial of sovereignty to Ireland by Britain. 1998 saw the enforced normalisation of British occupation upon working class communities in the North and the slow managed splintering...