Yes For Unity to Address Future Panelist Imbalance

Yes For Unity to Address Future Panelist Imbalance

Following constructive criticism received by our followers, Yes For Unity will attempt to address the imbalance on the panels for our future public talks & debates.

Our well received and supported events  play an important role within the Irish Unity campaign, and it is important that the entire Irish Unity community and society in general are relatively represented on these panels.

Our team of dedicated activists work tirelessly throughout the year, at our own personal expense and on our own time to ensure all of our events are successfully delivered in order to assist the momentum towards Irish Unity.

When organising these events, we extend an invitation to parties and organisations who then put forward a speaker for the panel.

These parties and organisations, unselfishly and completely voluntarily take time out of their own busy schedules to do so.

Yes For Unity are neither the architects nor do we seek to be the gatekeepers of the Unity debate, therefore we place absolutely no barriers for any person, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual persuasion to speak at our talks.

For future events we will ask invited parties and organisations, if and wherever organisationally possible to put forward speakers who can assist in making our panels more diverse and representative of our society.

We look forward to seeing you all at our next event at the Maldron Hotel, Belfast International Airport on the 11th March.

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