Census Results Will Be Significant

Census Results Will Be Significant


The upcoming census results are being earmarked to show, for the first time since the creation of the North of Ireland in 1921, that catholics will outnumber protestants.

While on paper it is a significant change in the demographics, we should not get over excited as history shows, an increase in the catholic population does not automatically translate into individual support for Irish Unity, though there is a statistical correlation that we cannot ignore.

Over the last number of days, we have seen Unionist politicians attempting to undermine the significance of these results by playing the “sectarian headcount” card, slamming those greeting this milestone moment.

Unionism fails to mention the 6 counties was artificially carved out of Ireland based on the sectarian headcount concept; Unionism who celebrated this sectarian creation only last year spoke of democracy. It appears when Protestants are in the majority they call it democracy, but when catholics are in the majority they deem it as a sectarian headcount. Unionism were keen to avoid such terminology when it suited, but now the tables have turned they are eager to flash it out.

We need to stress, Irish Unity will not be won by census results. Irish Unity will require a broad political push within our communities. We need to give our communities a socio-economic and political vision of what Irish Unity can deliver for them.

Sinead Costello



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