
A United Ireland’s Economy must be based on Equality not Profit

A United Ireland’s Economy must be based on Equality not Profit There is an ever growing business friendly section of civic nationalism foaming at the mouth at the thought of businesses in the North reaping economic benefits of Irish Unity, more so, accessing the low corporation taxes that are offered in the Free State. While I...

Getting people registered to vote in an Irish Unity referendum

Getting people registered to vote in an Irish Unity referendum. The efforts of the Irish Unity community over the last four years in engagement and communication with each other have been an important period in which we had discussions with fellow socialists, republicans, civic nationalists even unionists and loyalists, its brought us to this point....

2021; Be Bold and Ambitious, Lets Call for May 2023 for Irish Unity Referendum

YES for Unity support calls for a 22nd / 23rd May 2023 Irish Unity Referendum. Nothing focuses the mind like a deadline, it adds a sense of urgency, allows us to plan towards a goal and create the methodology for success.The Irish Unity community have been collectively engaged with the referendum debate for some time...

Irish Unity-Does the Bomb and Bullet still exist in Irish Politics?

It has been 11 years ago now since the INLA finalised the end to their armed campaign, explaining they are now pursuing their objectives through exclusively peaceful and political means. That announcement in 2009 meant the 2 main Republican armed groups engaged in the conflict had called time on the armed struggle to achieve...

Micheál Martin: More Division is not the answer to Division

The recent comments by the new Taoiseach Micheál Martin where he branded the prospect of an Irish Unity referendum as “Divisive” does not come as a shock considering his past statements on the subject. Partition in itself is the biggest form of division in this country. A physical, social, economic and political barrier that cuts...